Dmitrii Pastushenkov is an applied linguist with professional experience in foreign and second language teaching, teacher education, translation, as well as research in applied linguistics and second language acquisition. Prior to joining Harvard, Dmitrii taught at Michigan State University, California State University, Northridge, and Kent State University. During this time, he held graduate assistantships, received multiple fellowships, and taught in six STARTALK student and teacher programs. As a researcher, Dmitrii specializes in instructed second language acquisition, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and inclusivity of language learning in educational settings and bridge the gap between research and pedagogy.
Dmitrii holds a Ph.D. from Michigan State University. During his studies, he served as a research assistant at the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian at Middlebury College, where he gained insights into language immersion programs. This experience has influenced Dmitrii’s teaching and research endeavors, including his dissertation and the classes he teaches at Harvard. He also holds M.A. degrees from Kent State University and a B.A. from Tver State University in Russia.