Program on Georgian Studies

Advancing the study of Georgia and the South Caucasus through research and scholarly exchange, teaching, and outreach.

Welcome to the Program on Georgian Studies at the Davis Center. The program encourages research on Georgia and the South Caucasus region here at Harvard, establishes collaboration between Georgian and American academics and students, and promotes knowledge of the region to the broader community.

We have multiple opportunities for students, junior scholars, and faculty, from both Harvard and Georgia. If you are interested in spending a semester conducting research at Harvard, want to learn more about Georgia in the classroom, or want to develop a course — or a component in your course — related to the South Caucasus, then please view our website for opportunities. We offer grants, fellowships, summer internships, and classes on the region that may be right for you.

If you want to learn more about Georgia and the South Caucasus, we have research guides on Harvard’s holdings and provide information on resources about the region both online and elsewhere, at U.S. universities, libraries, and institutions. See both past and coming events offered by the program below. Attend a lecture, a workshop, an online panel, or a film screening and learn more about the history, politics, and culture of this region.

The Program on Georgian Studies is supported by a sponsored research award from the Georgian Ministry of Education and Science.

You can contact program staff at

A group of people involved in the Georgian Studies inaugural events

Staff and community members gathered for the Georgian Studies Inaugural Events, September 22, 2022.

Opportunities and Resources

Related Insights

Once again, our Georgian studies program joins forces with the Somerville Arts Council to catalyze a vibrant cross-cultural collaboration among four talented artists. Meet them here, then see them perform.

Gen Z, previously unengaged, may now push the country toward political revolution, catalyzed by the ruling party’s foreign agents law, writes Stephen Jones, director of our Georgian studies program.

Prof. Stephen Jones tells Davis Center alum Joshua Kucera why Tbilisi’s ruling party introduced its "foreign agent" law, why it’s triggered huge protests, and the potential consequences of both.

Related Events

Past Event

This talk will examine how Russia employs the tactics of borderization and creeping occupation to gradually expand its control over Georgian territories.

Past Event

The presentation addresses school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) as a violation of human rights and a form of gender discrimination with harmful effects on physical, psychological, and educational well-being. 

Past Event

The legislation making its way through Georgia's parliament is widely seen as a challenge to democracy in the country. What does the so-called foreign agents bill say? What are its implications? Is it a danger to Georgia’s EU candidacy?