Opportunities for Scholars and Artists

Elevate your scholarship on Georgia by applying for a grant or fellowship with the Program on Georgian Studies.

In order to encourage scholarship on Georgia and the surrounding region, as well as cross-cultural collaboration, we have opportunities for both Georgian scholars and for Harvard faculty, as well as artists in Georgia and the Boston area.

Georgian Scholars

The Program on Georgian Studies offers two grants to Georgian Ph.D. candidates or junior faculty members, which will provide them access to Harvard's rich library materials, research training, professional development, and networking opportunities. Scholars are expected to use their time to complete research on their research projects, networking, and presenting their projects to the Davis Center community.

Grant for Junior Scholars

Georgian Ph.D. candidates or junior faculty members who want to spend a funded semester (4-6 months) at Harvard can apply for a grant of $30,000.

Short-term Grant

Georgian Ph.D. candidates or junior faculty members who want to spend a funded short-term stay (2-3 weeks) at Harvard can apply for a grant of $8,000.


  • Georgian citizenship
  • Possess a Ph.D. or equivalent, strong professional qualification, or extensive expertise in the field

How to Apply

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed. Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will open in late 2024.

Please reach out to Kate Flaherty, Research Programs Coordinator, with any questions.

Harvard Faculty

Research Grants

Harvard faculty from any discipline can apply for a $5,000 grant in support of research related to Georgia. We are looking for proposals from Harvard faculty, at any stage of their career and from any discipline, who need to travel to Georgia to pursue their research, or who wish to include Georgia in a comparative or interdisciplinary project they are pursuing.   

The grant will be awarded to scholars whose project has a primary focus on Georgia, though the project could include the South Caucasian region more broadly. An interdisciplinary or comparative approach is welcome. Interaction in some form with Georgian scholars is encouraged. 

To apply, please submit the following materials by October 1, 2023, for a January 2024 trip, or by March 1, 2024, for a summer 2024 trip, to Stephen Jones with a CC to Allison Hart at ahart@fas.harvard.edu  

1. A copy of your CV 

2. A two-page research proposal describing how and where you will conduct research, who you plan to meet, and proposed outcome of the project.  

3. A timeline for your project 

4. A budget for your project 

Course Development Grants

Harvard faculty from any discipline can apply for a $2,000 grant to develop a new course on the region, or incorporate material on the region into an existing course. Our goal is to include Georgia into courses at Harvard, so students (and faculty) can learn about a country that is unfamiliar, and which is rarely integrated into comparative or interdisciplinary courses at Harvard.  We welcome any discipline and any curricular proposal, from undergraduate to seminar courses at the master’s level.

To apply, please submit the following materials by May 1, 2023, for teaching in the fall of 2023, or by November 1, 2023, for teaching in the spring of 2024, to Stephen Jones with a CC to Allison Hart ahart@fas.harvard.edu 

1.    A copy of your CV

2.    A one-page proposal that includes an explanation as to why the Georgian addition in the course will enhance understanding of the course topic.

3.    A syllabus for the course you intend to add a Georgian unit to

4.    A budget for your project


"Exchanging Notes" is a collaboration between the Program on Georgian Studies and the Somerville Arts Council. Two musicians and two writers from Georgia and from the Boston area will be selected to collaborate on a project to be presented in Cambridge in Fall, 2023. Learn more here. Proposals are due on April 21, 2023.