The Coming Arms Race: Russia, China, America and Nuclear Weapons

Event Format
In person
S020 (Belfer Case Study), CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street

Join us for the fourth installment of our new speaker series "Russia: In Search of a New Paradigm — Conversations With Yevgenia Albats" to hear David Hoffmann speak with our eminent host about the coming arms race between Russia, China, and the United States.

The world relaxed when the Cold War nuclear arms race ended in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The worst years of fear, tension, and danger seemed over. Political leaders had the good sense to reduce the stockpiles of weapons that could destroy the earth. But today, a new nuclear arms race is gathering speed, and it promises to be even more vexing, dangerous, and difficult to control. This will be a three-way competition between Russia, China, and the United States, making negotiations a Rubik's cube puzzle of intentions, capabilities, and political will. Why did the last arms race end? Why will this one be different, and what can be done about it?

These are but some of the questions to be discussed in what promises to be an in-depth, informative conversation. Please explore the other planned talks in the series in our Events listing.


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