Making the Two Ends of Eurasia Meet: Prospects of the Middle Corridor in the Trump Era

Central Asia and Caucasus Seminar
Event Format

The Middle Corridor initiative (or Trans-Caspian International Transport Route) — launched by Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey in 2013 — received a significant boost because of Russia’s war against Ukraine as it provided an alternative to transport corridors crossing Russia. The EU stepped up its support of the Middle Corridor and committed funds for the development of its hard and soft infrastructure. China, previously hesitant, has also increased its participation in various Middle Corridor projects since 2022. 

The year 2025 is off to a turbulent start: At the Munich Security Conference, the Trump administration shook the foundations of the transatlantic alliance and signaled a policy change toward Russia. This panel will discuss whether current developments are changing the drivers and constraints of the EU’s and China’s engagement in implementing the Middle Corridor initiative. 

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