Aurel Braun is currently a Professor of International Relations and Political Science, and Fellow and Senator of Trinity College at the University of Toronto. He is also an Associate of the Davis Center at Harvard. Between July 2012 and June 2015 he was a Visiting Professor teaching in the Department of Government, Harvard University. Professor Braun has twice been appointed a Visiting Scholar at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In March 2009, the Federal Cabinet via a Governor-in-Council appointment made Professor Braun the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development for a three-year term. In 2012, Professor Braun was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for services to Canada and for academic distinction by the Governor-General of Canada. Professor Braun has published extensively on international relations and strategic studies and is a specialist in international law. He is the author and/or editor of several books. His latest book is NATO-Russia Relations in the 21st Century. His forthcoming book is on Russia, the West and Arctic Security. 

Recent publications: 

"Adapting to the 21st Century: Lessons, Progress and Regression”, in Sabrina Ramet and Christine M Hassenstab, eds., Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989, Second edition (Cambridge UP. 2019), pp. 562-282. 

“Cooperation for a Secure Europe”, in John Kirton ed., GT Media Group, August 12, 2019. 

“NATO as the Necessary Pillar of 21st Century Global Security” in Valentin Naumescu, Raluca Moldovan, Anda Ghilescu, eds., The New Transatlantic Relations and the Perspectives of the Global Order, Presa Universitara Clujeana (Cluj University Press), 2021 pp. 295-325. 
“NATO and the Imperatives of Geopolitical Security in the Black Sea Region”, chapter in Valentin Naumescu et al., The EU and NATO approaches to the Black Sea Region (Cluj University Press, Cluj), 2022, pp.43-67. 

Forthcoming book: Aurel Braun and Stephen Blank (co-authors), Russia’s Arctic Ambitions, the West and Arctic Security. Routledge Publishers. 110,000 words appx. Publication expected late 2025.