Image of Kevin Platt, University of Pennsylvania

Kevin M. F. Platt

Guest Speaker

Professor of Russian and East European Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Kevin M. F. Platt is Professor of Russian and East European Studies and Chair of the Doctoral Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania. His scholarly work focuses on Russian and East European culture, history, poetry, and fiction. He is author or editor of a number of scholarly books, among them Terror and Greatness: Ivan and Peter as Russian Myths (Cornell, 2011), Global Russian Cultures (Wisconsin, 2019), and, most recently, Border Conditions: Russian-Speaking Latvians Between World Orders (Cornell/NIUP, 2024). His translations of Russian and Latvian poetry have appeared in World Literature Today, Jacket2, Fence, and other journals. He is the founder and organizer of the poetry translation symposium Your Language My Ear. His current project is entitled Cultural Arbitrage in the Age of Three Worlds.