Marina Mogilner holds Edward and Marianna Thaden Chair in Russian and East European Intellectual History at University of Illinois at Chicago. She is also a founding coeditor of Ab Imperio quarterly, dedicated to new imperial history and studies of nationalism in the post-Soviet space. Her most recent books include Homo Imperii: A History of Physical Anthropology in Russia (University of Nebraska Press, 2013); A Race for the Future: Scientific Visions of Modern Russian Jewishness (Harvard University Press, 2022); edited volume A Cultural History of Race in the Age of Empire and Nation State (1760–1920), for the 6-volume Bloomsbury series “A Cultural History of Race” (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021); and Jews, Race and the Politics of Difference. The Case of Vladimir Jabotinsky against the Russian Empire (Indiana University Press, 2023). Mogilner has published widely in various journals and collections on topics such as race and empire, history of human sciences in the Russian Empire, and so on.

Marina Mogilner
Associate Professor, History, University of Illinois, Chicago