Maxim Boycko is visiting lecturer in economics at Harvard University and senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. Maxim Boycko has taught economics at Moscow State University and has had research affiliations with National Bureau of Economic Research and Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russia. He is a member and the founding chairman of the Board of The New Economic School, a leading Russian private graduate school in economics. Mr. Boycko has a broad range of experience working for the Russian government, nonprofits, and business. During President Yeltsin’s second term he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chief of Staff. Mr. Boycko played a principal role in the design and implementation of the Russian voucher privatization program in 1992-1994 and macroeconomic stabilization program in 1995. In 1998-2010 he was a partner at Video International, Russia's largest private media and advertising group. Mr. Boycko received PhD in economics in 1986 (Institute for World Economy and International Relations, Russia) and MA in applied mathematics in 1982 (Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology.
Maxim Boycko
Lecturer/Associate of the Department of Economics