Monika Bobako is an associate professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. She holds a PhD as well as habilitation in philosophy and an MA in gender studies (obtained from the Central European University in Budapest). She is the author of two books, Islamophobia as a Technology of Power: A Study in Political Anthropology (Kraków 2017, in Polish) and Democracy and Difference: Multiculturalism and Feminism in the Perspective of the Politics of Recognition (Poznań 2010, in Polish). She is also the editor of the volumes "The Theologies of Emancipation" (Praktyka Teoretyczna 2013) and "Islamophobia. Contexts" (Praktyka Teoretyczna 2017). Her areas of specialization include political anthropology, critical race theory, postcolonial theory, and religious studies (with a special focus on Islam as well as gender). In 2018 her book Islamophobia as a Technology of Power: A Study in Political Anthropology was awarded the Jan Długosz Prize and was nominated for the Tadeusz Kotarbiński Prize, which are both major academic awards in Poland.