Everywhere it goes, artificial intelligence inspires dread, awe, or a mixture of both. In all likelihood it has arrived in your classroom: are you ready for it?
In this workshop we will learn a method of historical analysis that capitalizes on AI’s capacity to speculate (wildly, at times). The exercise is designed to teach participants to develop a better sense of what we can and cannot know about the past.
The exercise will take us deep into the social world of the late 18th century. We will learn about a curious rebellion that unfolded in the port towns of what is now Ukraine. We will step through the process of teaching educators to use AI-powered image generators to picture historical space and actors, and to critique AI images in order to generate productive questions. While the content of the webinar focuses on the Russian Empire, the lesson plan can be easily adapted to the historical context of your choice.
The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact us at 617-495-4037 or daviscenter@fas.harvard.edu in advance of your participation or visit. Requests for Sign Language interpreters and/or CART providers should be made at least two weeks in advance if possible. Please note that the Davis Center will make every effort to secure services but that services are subject to availability.