Russia: Back to the USSR or Back to the Tsarist Empire?

Event Format
In person
S010 (Tsai) CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street

Please join the inaugural event in our new speaker series "Russia: In Search of a New Paradigm — Conversations With Yevgenia Albats" to hear historian Stephen Kotkin and our eminent host discuss Russia's latest shift to aggressive militarism.

Why has Russia evolved into an aggressive militaristic power? Was this the inevitable result of its past imperialist history or an outcome of mistakes made after the Soviet collapse? Will Vladimir Putin pursue all-out war in Europe? What are the meaningful similarities and differences between today and the Cold War era? Is it time to think about averting a new Armageddon

These and many other questions will lie at the heart of the conversation. Please look for other talks in the series in our Events listing.


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