Boris Lanin graduated with honors from Baku Slavic University in 1983. After mandatory service in the Soviet Army, Lanin received his Candidate of Philology Degree from Moscow Pedagogical University in 1990. After obtaining his Doctor’s Degree in Philology in 1994, Lanin served as a visiting professor at the Kennan Institute and later at the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington, DC), the Institutes for Advanced Studies in Paris, Warsaw, Hokkaido, Stanford, Kobe, Osaka, Waseda (Tokyo), and Saitama University, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, at the Swedish Kollegium at Uppsala. Boris Lanin served as Head of Literature and Professor at the Academy of Education of Russia, and Professor of Russian Literature at State Theatre Academy of Russia (GITIS), Moscow. His textbooks in literature from the 5th to the 11th grades were being widely used at secondary schools in the Russian Federation. More than a million of copies of them had been sold by 2023, when they were banned for the political reasons. Professor Lanin is the author of over a hundred articles and over twenty books. He is a member of Scientific Board of the Grossman Center in Torino, Italy, and a Member of the European Society for Utopian Studies.

Boris Lanin
Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland