Denis Skopin earned a Ph.D. summa cum laude in philosophy from Paris 8 University. He has held several research positions, including that of a research director at Maison des sciences de l’homme (Paris), and taught at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg University.
His research and teaching interests range across photography studies, political philosophy, and history, with a focus on photographic practices and the circulation of photographs under dictatorships and authoritarian regimes.
He has published numerous articles in English, French, and Russian. He has also authored three monographs: La Photographie de Groupe et la Politique de la Disparition dans la Russie de Staline [Group Photography and the Politics of Disappearance in Stalin’s Russia], (Paris, Harmattan, 2015); Œdipe sous l’objectif. La Photographie et la Psychanalyse [Oedipus Under the Lens. Photography and Psychoanalysis], (Paris, Harmattan, 2018); and Photography and Political Repressions in Stalin’s Russia: Defacing the Enemy (London, Routledge, 2022).

Denis Skopin
Senior Scholar in Exile, Center for Contemporary History, Berlin; Former Professor of Political Science, St. Petersburg State University