Jane Leftwich Curry specializes in comparative politics with an emphasis on post communist states as well as democratization (and de-democratization), media, and political activism from elections to protest. She also teaches students from the former Soviet Union about democracy and political science every summer at the University of Warsaw, Poland where she has a permanent position.
She published ten scholarly books and 55 articles including editing 4 editions of the text, Central and East European Politics. She received the university Faculty Senate Professor Award in 2012 and the Award for Excellence in Career Scholarship in 2015.
Currently, she is working on a book based on her research on mass demonstrations in Ukraine and Georgia and their impact growing out of a grant from the United States Institute of Peace and serving as Research Director of the Cold War Communications Project, both with student help. She has served as President of the Faculty Senate and head of the University Coordinating Committee and was elected to be Faculty Senate President in 2019-20. She has also received 5 Fulbrights, including the Inaugural Fulbright Chair in East European Studies, and 4 other major research awards.