Julie Buckler, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature at Harvard and Harvard College Professor, works on the cultural heritage of imperial Russia. Buckler received her B.A. from Yale University (Russian and East European Studies), and her doctorate from Harvard. She has spent her academic career at Harvard, as a junior professor beginning in 1996 and as a tenured member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences since 2003. She has been awarded fellowships by the American Association of University Women and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, and was a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies in 2006-2007. Buckler was Senior Humanities Adviser to the Radcliffe Institute, directing the humanities part of their Academic Ventures Program, in this capacity she was a principal investigator for a 4-year Mellon Foundation grant on “Recontextualizing Urban Studies” (2013-2017). Buckler was a member of the Steering Committee for a recent Arts & Humanities broad-based divisional initiative called "The Humanities Project." She has also served as chair of the Slavic Department.

Julie Buckler
Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Comparative Literature, Harvard University