Event Hearing Lviv Out of War, 1939: Sonic Evidence and Its Sung Limitations 2025 Olympiada of Spoken Russian for New England Ukrainian Poetry at War: A Conversation and Reading With Lyuba Yakimchuk Film Screening: 'Akhmatova's Orphans. Disassembly' Crafting Sincerity: How Conflicting Cultural Codes Structure the Writing and Reading of Sincerity in Poetry The Feeling Sonnets: Language Play, Translingualism, Situatedness Lessons From Turgenev's Laboratory: Toward a Companion to 'Fathers and Children' Our Life Behind Barbed Wire: Photography From Ukrainian Ostarbeiters in Nazi Germany Queer Focus: On Ukraine (Panel 7) Purging Queerness in Soviet Ukraine: The Prosecution of Sergei Parajanov CANCELED!! Three Emigrations of Anna Akhmatova Myth, Dialectics … and Persecution: Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita and the GAKhNovtsy Avant-Garde Post–: Radical Poetics after the Soviet Union Book Talk: Ales Bialiatski -- A Journey of Impact Railway Partisans, Arsonists, and Vandals: Homegrown Saboteurs of Russia's War Against Ukraine A Hysterical Woman and the Modernist Aesthetics of Transgression: The Case of Lesia Ukraїnka Mikhail Shishkin, My Russia: War or Peace? Diversifying Slavic: New Approaches to the Field Graduate Conference Davis Center Reads: Lucky Breaks The Strugatskys and Beyond: The Secret Jewish Language of Soviet Era Science Fiction Displaced Literature: A Voice of the “Second Sex" from the “Second World" in Sophia Yablonska's Travelogues Reimagining the Russian Short Story: A Conversation with Maxim Osipov A Book Celebration: Lyric Complicity and The Sound of Modern Polish Poetry Environmental Humanities and Russian Literary Studies: Potential Pathways and Questions "Everburning Pilot" and "For the Shrew": Two Poets, Two Books, Three Translators The Destruction of Jewish Art in the USSR during Stalin's Terror and the Holocaust Gabriella Safran: Recording Russia A Humanitarian Aid Kit of War Songs Isaac Babel’s Diary as Ego-Document: An Experimental Approach New Literary Geography: Demarginalization of Contemporary Russophone Literature in Israel Brodsky Among Us: One Book, Two Cultures Vasily Grossman (1905-1964) A Russian Immigrant: Translingual Pleasures and Literary Responses to COVID-19 The Marriage of Véra Slonim and Vladimir Nabokov as Jewish, Russian, and American History Selling the Story: Balzac, Dostoevsky and Economic Criticism Russian Jews in the Turmoil of History: Three Ages of Stalinism New Directions in Research: Russian Literature in the 19th and 20th Centuries The Cold War in Translation: Milovan Djilas in the English-speaking World Of Politics and Pandemics: Songs of a Russian Immigrant Insight Ivan Denisovich on Trial Tolstoy Takes Standing in Line Person Barbara Kukushkina Iryna Kovalchuk Lusia Zaitseva Markus Vaher Christopher Conway Valerii Otiakovskii Roberta Sala Ričards Umbraško Pagination Page 1 Next page ›› Subscribe to Slavic Languages and Literatures