Prof. Roman Katsman was born in the USSR and has lived in Israel since 1990. In 2000 he joined the faculty of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People in Bar-Ilan University. Katsman is an author of six books and numerous articles about Hebrew and Russian literatures, and Jewish-Russian and Russian-Israeli literature and thought. He has worked on the theoretical problems of mythopoesis, chaos, nonverbal communication, sincerity, alternative history, and humor. His most recent book, Nostalgia for a Foreign Land (Academic Studies Press, 2016), examines the Russian-language literature in Israel. Other major publication include Literature, History, Choice: The Principle of Alternative History in Literature (2013), At the Other End of Gesture. Anthropological Poetics of Gesture in Modern Hebrew Literature (2008) and The Time of Cruel Miracles: Mythopoesis in Dostoevsky and Agnon (2002).

Roman Katsman
Professor of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University