Event Jewish Émigré Writers in Search of Identity Critical Citizenship and Civic Participation in 3 Generations of Russian Israelis Lynsey Addario: Of Love & War: Stories of Tragedy & Resilience from Across the World Polish Foreign Intelligence Assistance to the U.S. Military during the 1991 Gulf War: Switching Sides after the Cold War NTF Live, Episode 4: Deals and Disruption: Assessing Middle East Negotiations after the U.S. Elections China’s Western Horizon: Beijing and the New Geopolitics of Eurasia From a ‘Marriage of Convenience’ to the ‘Axis of Authoritarianism’: Evaluating the Russia-China Relationship in the 21st Century Insight Assad’s Fall: What Are the Costs for Russia? Person Simon Rabinovitch Mark Esposito Natalie Ayers Alex Averbuch Zhar Zardykhan Julia Hintlian Carol R. Saivetz Jack N. Porter Asher Orkaby Danilo Mandić Shiraz Hajiani Arvid Bell Subscribe to Middle East