Dimitri Gugushvili obtained his PhD in social policy at the University of Kent, UK in 2014. At present he is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven, Belgium. His research interests include the social effects of the Neoliberal development model, post-communist welfare systems, universalism vs. means-testing in welfare provision, comparative analysis of welfare and environmental attitudes and eco-social policies. Dimitri’s work has been published in multiple high-ranking academic journals, including Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Acta Politica, Social Policy and Society, Global Social Policy and International Journal of Comparative Sociology. In addition to academic career at various times Dimitri has worked at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Georgia, UNICEF and Save the Children UK.

Dimitri Gugushvili
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Centre for Sociological Research, University of Leuven