Event Global Economic Shocks and the End of the Cold War, 1970-1990 Opportunities and Challenges in Georgia’s Start-Up Ecosystem The Mega Challenge of Climate Change: Preparing for New Realities in Central Asia The Silk Road After the Russo-Ukraine War: A New Vision for Eurasian Integration Russian Economy 2 1/2 Years Into the War Against Ukraine Dreaming of Home: Displaced Ukrainian Women Between Transience and Permanency Summer 2025 Internship Info Session Trade and Transport Along the Middle Corridor: World Bank Assessment and Recommendations Can Georgia Find Its Place in the Global Economy? Economic Reform, Business Prospects, and the Middle Corridor What is Happening with Gas Trade in Eurasia? A Conversation with Mikhail Krutikhin Revisiting the Social Contract: Reforms in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Trading and Cultural Gateways Across the Water: The Ports of the Black Sea Trans-Caspian Governance Challenges: Trade, Energy and Environment The Changing World Order: The Global Economic Impact of the Russian Ukraine War & the China-US Response Strategy, Outcome, and Prospects: The State of the Economies in Georgia and Armenia Today Interning in Tbilisi: Student Presentations The Geoeconomics of European Energy Supply Crisis: Perspectives from Eurasia The War in Ukraine: Eight Months Later Empire, Colonies, and Knowledge Containing Spillovers of Russian Sanctions in Kazakhstan: Damage Control and Beyond Destruction of Kazakh Economic Institutions and the Collapse of Political Institutions under the Tsar Putin’s War and the 'German' Economic Model The Impact of Russian Sanctions Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia Central Bank of Armenia Internship Info Session Kazakhstan’s e-Government and Its Partnership with Russian Sberbank: An Existential Choice? Davis Center/Harriman Institute Master's Thesis Colloquium 25th Annual Undergraduate Colloquium on Russian and Eurasian Studies Iran and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Between Desirable and Feasible The Bridge: Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe Don’t Call It a Cold War: Findings from the Russian-American Relations Survey China’s Western Horizon: Beijing and the New Geopolitics of Eurasia Selling the Story: Balzac, Dostoevsky and Economic Criticism The Politics of Reform in Kazakhstan Will Covid-19 Curtail European-Eurasian Integration? Imagining the Next Global Economy Insight Trends in Kazakhstan’s Freedom and Prosperity Critical Minerals in Central Asia: Curse or Blessing? New Speaker Series on Russia Can Fossil Fuel-Dependent Central Asia Reach Climate Goals? Russia, the West, and the ‘World Majority’ Fork in the Road: Will Private Business Have a Place in Putin’s Russia? Are the West’s Sanctions on Russia Working? The Rigidity of Russian Oil Holds the Key to Smart Sanctions Russian Oil’s Achilles Heel Will Sanctions Go Nuclear? Person Albulenë Kastrati Masato Nakajima Marita Genebashvili Pëllumb Çollaku Pagination Page 1 Next page ›› Subscribe to Economics