Rahat Sabyrbekov

Rahat Sabyrbekov

Visiting Scholar

Researcher, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Academy and Visiting Professor at Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) at Justus Liebig University, Germany

Rahat Sabyrbekov is an environmental economist who specializes in decarbonization, climate change, and energy transition. Rahat is a postdoctoral fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and a visiting scholar at the Davis Center for the 2023-2024 academic year and the spring semester of 2024-2025. He obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Economics and Business at Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He received his master’s degree from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He teaches a course on the economics of sustainable management of mineral resources at the OSCE Academy. His recent publications include "Putting the Foot Down: Accelerating EV Uptake in Kyrgyzstan" (2023), "Know Your Opponent: Which Countries Might Fight the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?" (2022), and "Fossil Fuels in Central Asia: Trends and Energy Transition Risks" (2022).