Wolfgang Drechsler is a Professor of Governance at Tallinn University of Technology’s Ragnar Nurkse Department, Honorary Professor of University College London in the Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Sciences at Universitas Indonesia, and Center Associate at the Davis Center. In civil service, he has been Advisor to the President of Estonia, Executive Secretary with the German Wissenschaftsrat, and, as an APSA Congressional Fellow, Senior Legislative Analyst in the United States Congress. Wolfgang has been a consultant to international institutions such as the OECD, the Council of Europe, the World Bank, the European Union (especially Commission and Parliament), the Inter-American Development Bank, the UNDP, and the Vatican, to national governments, and in the private sector. He received the Estonian National Science Award, the Alena Brunovskà Award and the Merit Award from NISPAcee, the Senator Boorsma Award from SECoPA, the Estonian Order of St. Mary’s Land, and the German Federal Merit Cross. Wolfgang is the author or editor of more than 20 books and journal issues and well over 100 scholarly articles. His last book, How to make an Entrepreneurial State: Why Innovation needs Bureaucracy (with Rainer Kattel and Erkki Karo, Yale University Press 2022), won the Academy of Management’s 2023 Terry Award for “the most outstanding contribution to the global advancement of management knowledge during the last two years," and it has been or is being translated into Finnish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Indonesian.

Wolfgang Drechsler
Professor of Governance, Ragnar Nurkse Department, Tallinn University of Technology