The range of subjects Daria Khitrova is interested in is explained by the theoretical focus of her research. The latter is on interaction between arts, media and social practices. Her first book, Lyric Complicity: Poetry and Readers in the Golden Age of Russian Literature (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019), is on Russian poetry in the Golden Age and its role in the daily life of contemporary readers; her next major project is on arts across media: words and movements in ballet; choreography and film art; montage and its part in the “cinema of poetry” (Viktor Shklovsky’s term). Montage, or film editing is also Daria’s research area per se: she is a part of the digital-humanities project known as Cinemetrics.

Daria Khitrova
Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University