Flora Ferati-Sachsenmaier

Flora Ferati-Sachsenmaier

Guest Speaker

Research Affiliate, Weatherhead Research Cluster on Identity Politics; Taiwan Peace Fellow

Dr. Flora Ferati-Sachsenmaier is a research affiliate at the Weatherhead Research Cluster on Identity Politics, Harvard University and a Taiwan peace fellow. Her work focuses on conflict dynamics, peacebuilding, religious othering, and minority rights. Her groundbreaking research on the depopulation of Albanians of Presevo Valley in southern Serbia, published by the Max Planck Institute, has shaped European policy debates. Flora has advised the Kosovo Government, briefed the U.S. Senate, and led delegations to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, and the German Parliament. She holds a Ph.D. in global governance and regional integration from BIGSSS and has taught at the University of Göttingen and served as a fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Germany. Her current research explores Russia’s and China’s influence in the Western Balkans through hard and soft power.