Scott Marshutz grew up in New York and became interested in nonfiction film during high school. He worked as a news and sports photographer for an NBC affiliate station in Indiana before joining the Marine Corps in 1978. During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, he served aboard the USS Tarawa and later in the public affairs office of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. After being discharged, Marshutz studied journalism and film at Chapman University where he served as editor of the student newspaper and interned at the National Journal in Washington, D.C. As traditional media contracted, Marshutz transitioned into filmmaking. His first feature documentary “Let ‘Em Play” was released in 2020. He is currently executive producer of “Wounded Land”, a film by cinematographer Andriy Semenyuk and director Roman Zajac that explores how Ukrainian vintners/farmers are producing in wartime.

Scott Marshutz
Guest Speaker
Executive Producer, Wounded Land