Working as an independent scholar, Mr. Rubenstein has been an Associate of the Davis Center since 1982, and is the author or editor of a number of path-breaking books on Soviet and Soviet-Jewish history. His principal areas of research include the Soviet human rights movement and the Holocaust in German-occupied Soviet territory, along with biographies of the controversial Soviet-Jewish writer and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg and of Leon Trotsky. He is the co-editor of Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. Mr. Rubenstein received a National Jewish Book Award in the category of East European Studies for Stalin's Secret Pogrom. His most recent book, The Last Days of Stalin, came out in 2016. It has appeared in Czech, Estonian, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian-language editions.

Joshua Rubenstein
Associate Director, Major Gifts, Harvard Law School