Event Jewish Émigré Writers in Search of Identity Chiune Sugihara and the Soviet Union: New Documents, New Perspectives “People of the Cossack Stock:" Ethnic Minorities and the War Against Ukraine The Strugatskys and Beyond: The Secret Jewish Language of Soviet Era Science Fiction Immigrant Baggage: Scenes from a Translingual Life Echo of Babyn Yar: Commemoration and Memorialization of the Holocaust in Kyiv The Holocaust Through the Eyes of Soviet Intelligence, 1939-1945 The Destruction of Jewish Art in the USSR during Stalin's Terror and the Holocaust The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed Rifka Angel in the Context of Her Times Isaac Babel’s Diary as Ego-Document: An Experimental Approach Bearing Witness at Nuremberg: The Soviet Contribution to the Record of the Holocaust Lithuania, the Holocaust, and Historical Memory: Book Seminar Davis Center/Harriman Institute Master's Thesis Colloquium 25th Annual Undergraduate Colloquium on Russian and Eurasian Studies Messiah or "Simple Son"? Theodor Herzl and East European Jewry New Literary Geography: Demarginalization of Contemporary Russophone Literature in Israel Pogroms, Genocide, and Migration Crises in 1919-1921 Ukraine The Wrong Family Holocaust Story: Survival of Polish Jews in Stalin's Russia Jewish Odessa: Trade, Community, and Culture in the Port City Golda Meir (1898-1978) Vasily Grossman (1905-1964) David Oistrakh (1908-1974) Mikhail Botvinnik (1911-1995) Great Russian Jews: Solomon Mikhoels (1890–1948) A Half-Century of Jewish Emigration from the Former Soviet Union: Demographic Aspects The Marriage of Véra Slonim and Vladimir Nabokov as Jewish, Russian, and American History In Battle for the German Mind: Evsei Shor, Rudolf Roeßler, and the Vita-Nova Publishing House To Flee or Not to Flee? Soviet Jews Face the German Invasion Alexander Goldenweiser, an American Anthropologist with Russian Jewish Roots Of Politics and Pandemics: Songs of a Russian Immigrant Insight Within (and Without) Languages: A Jewish Writer’s Translingual Adventures Taking a Fresh Shot, Once Again, to Debunk Myth of Jewish Conspiracy Plot Rabbis on Opposite Sides of Justice The New Jewish Diaspora Person Marianna Petiaskina Klavdia Smola Alex Averbuch Chia-Yun Po Jess Jensen Mitchell Victoria Khiterer Jake Vasishchev-Perl Andrey Shlyakhter Jack N. Porter Musya Glants Paul-André Bempéchat Saul Zaritt Joshua Rubenstein Rochelle Ruthchild Sergei Kan Pagination Page 1 Next page ›› Subscribe to Jewish Studies