
We are a community of students, scholars, and staff who share a dedication to understanding the region more deeply.


The views expressed by people affiliated with the Davis Center are as different as the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect institutional positions held by the center.


Advisory Board
Faculty Associate
William Mills Todd III is Research Professor and Harry Tuchman Levin Professor of Literature, Emeritus, at Harvard University.
Malika Toqmadi is a doctoral researcher at UCL, working on topics of international education and democratization.
Visiting Scholar
Mikhail Troitskiy is a visiting fellow at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and a visiting professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
Executive Committee
Hugh Truslow is Head of Social Sciences and Visualization, Maps, Media, Data, and Government Information at Harvard College Library.
Center Associate
Noah Tucker works on violence and conflict prevention in Central Asia.
Center Associate
Aviezer Tucker works at the intersection of political theory, philosophy, and history.
Faculty Associate
Veronika Tuckerova is Senior Preceptor in Slavic Languages (Czech) at Harvard University.
Center Associate
Nina Tumarkin's current book project focuses on the ways in which memory of the Soviet experience of World War II resonates among various strata of Russian society.
Executive Committee
Alexandra Vacroux is the Davis Center's executive director, on leave for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Paul Vădan coordinates the Imperiia Project.