
We are a community of students, scholars, and staff who share a dedication to understanding the region more deeply.


The views expressed by people affiliated with the Davis Center are as different as the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect institutional positions held by the center.


Center Associate
Martin Dimitrov is currently examining authoritarian durability and the importance of mass support for ensuring non-democratic regime survival.
Center Associate
Adam Dixon's current interest is in the monitoring of ecological systems and environmental degradation in the FSU.
Center Associate
Tom Dolack graduated with a Ph.D. in comparative literature from the University of Oregon.
Center Associate
Wolfgang Drechsler is a Professor of Governance at Tallinn University of Technology’s Ragnar Nurkse Department.
Center Associate
Aleksandra Durova is a doctoral candidate in City Design and Development in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT.
Center Associate
Gerald Easter’s research and teaching expertise is in Russian and East European politics and history.
Center Associate
Nicole Eaton’s research interests include the history of medicine, environmental history, and the history of the body in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Faculty Associate
Veronika Egorova is Preceptor in Slavic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University.
Graduate Student Associate
Leora Eisenberg is a History Ph.D. candidate studying the production of national music and dance in Soviet Central Asia.
Executive Committee
Faculty Associate
Grzegorz Ekiert is Professor of Government and Director of Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University.