
We are a community of students, scholars, and staff who share a dedication to understanding the region more deeply.


The views expressed by people affiliated with the Davis Center are as different as the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect institutional positions held by the center.


Graduate Student Associate
Valerie Browne is a student in the REECA Master's program
Graduate Student Associate
James Browning is a doctoral student in Harvard's Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Executive Committee
Faculty Associate
Julie Buckler is Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Comparative Literature at Harvard University.
Center Associate
Jeffrey Burds is Associate Professor of History at Northeastern University and an Associate of the Davis Center at Harvard University.
Visiting Scholar
Irina Busygina is a scholar of comparative politics whose research focuses on post-Soviet Eurasia.
Advisory Board
Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs in Harvard's Department of Government and director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Advisory Board
Nicole Carter is a strategy and operations manager at Google, within YouTube’s content moderation team.
Graduate Student Associate
Anabelle Caso is a Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics at Harvard University specializing in the syntax and morphology of Indo-Iranian languages.