
We are a community of students, scholars, and staff who share a dedication to understanding the region more deeply.


The views expressed by people affiliated with the Davis Center are as different as the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect institutional positions held by the center.


Graduate Student Associate
Lucinda Ray is a student in the REECA Master's Program.
Khasan Redjaboev is a pre-doctoral fellow at the Davis Center and a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Center Associate
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Rebecca Reich’s current book project is a study of journalism and justice from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Center Associate
Thomas F. Remington is a Visiting Professor of Government at Harvard University.
Lucas Risinger is a graduate of the REECA Master's Program.
Center Associate
Thomas Roberts's research examines Russian literature and Eastern Orthodoxy, particularly the aesthetics of transcendence in 19th-century Russian literary realism.
Center Associate
Magda Romanska is an award-winning theatre and performance scholar, playwright, dramaturg, and translator.
Center Associate
Sarah Blout Rosenberg is a Research Assistant with the Imperiia Project.
Center Associate
William Rosenberg is Professor of History Emeritus at University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.
Center Associate
Joshua Rubenstein is the author and editor of a number of books on Soviet and Soviet-Jewish history.