The world is facing new global security threats. Great power and regional tensions are on the rise. The post-World War II security architecture is disintegrating. In this crucial moment in history, the Arms Control Negotiation Academy asks the next generation of arms control negotiators to meet the security challenges of our time.
What Is ACONA?
The Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA) is a 12-month, high-level professional development program for a competitively selected cohort of rising international security experts and practitioners. The ambitious training curriculum addresses critical historical case studies, technological know-how, and advanced negotiation skills in the realm of arms control. Participants earn a Certificate in Arms Control Negotiation and become part of ACONA’s network of next-generation arms control negotiators.
Program, Eligibility, and Application
Please visit for more information.
“I am impressed not only with the way in which ACONA brings top-flight substance to the participants in its programs, but also the way in which it fosters community. Thanks to the 12-month program, ACONA has almost single-handedly built an international cohort of colleagues who are working on arms control, non-proliferation and nuclear policy in government ministries and research organizations. They are emerging as the next generation of figures who will carry forward the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime in its many parts and pieces, as well as bilateral nuclear arms reduction and control.
ACONA’s negotiation boot camps have also been invaluable in creating esprit de corps among an even younger rank of experts, ensuring their excitement at working on nuclear issues at a time when young people tend to be uninterested. ACONA also unpacks the mystery of negotiation for this younger cohort, ensuring they understand that effective negotiating skills can be learned and honed--they are not so mysterious. I fully endorse the work that ACONA is doing in all of its elements.”
Rose Gottemoeller
ACONA International Advisory Board Member; Steven C. Házy Lecturer at Stanford University; former Deputy Secretary General of NATO; former Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the U.S. Department of State
ACONA is an international consortium led by Höfði Reykjavík Peace Centre at the University of Iceland, in collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center's History and Public Policy Program, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, the Project on Managing the Atom at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.
Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA)
Höfði Reykjavík Peace Centre
University of Iceland
Aragata 9, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Phone: +354 525 5262