
We are a community of students, scholars, and staff who share a dedication to understanding the region more deeply.


The views expressed by people affiliated with the Davis Center are as different as the people themselves and do not necessarily reflect institutional positions held by the center.


Center Associate
Marat Atnashev is a scholar and practitioner of negotiations and conflict resolution.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Lyudmila Austin is a Soviet and post-Soviet historian whose research focuses on migration, nation-building, and national identity.
Graduate Student Associate
Natalie Ayers is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Government interested in applying computational methods to study conflict and security.
Center Associate
Graduate Student Associate
Bes Bajraktarevic is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at Harvard University.
Graduate Student Associate
Michael Baker is a U.S. Army Foreign Area Officer with a focus on Europe and Eurasia.
Center Associate
Margarita M. Balmaceda is a political scientist with a special expertise in energy politics.
Faculty Associate
Center Associate
Arvid Bell is a scholar and entrepreneur who specializes in negotiation strategy, crisis leadership, and international security.
Center Associate
Paul-André Bempéchat is a Visiting Researcher with the Department of Physics at Harvard University
Center Associate
Benedicte Berner is currently project director for the "Campus" at the College de France, Paris.